OTRGive Logo

You Buy.
We Give.

You Buy.
We Give.

We give a donation to a community or charity group you choose every time you shop or fill up at OTR.

OTRGive - You Buy. We Give.

OTRGive Donations

$ 0
OTRGive - You Buy. We Give.

OTRGive members

How it works

Support charities at no extra cost
when you shop at OTR
OTRGive - You Buy. We Give to a charity of your choice.
Choose the partner you want to receive the donations.
Scan your OTR App when making in-store purchases. It’s automatic when ordering through the App.
For every $2 you spend in-store*, and for every 2L of fuel, we’ll donate 1 cent.
OTRGive - You Buy. We Give.

Download the OTR App today and select a charity. Every time you purchase in the OTR App, or scan your barcode at the counter, a donation is made to the charity you chose.

Frequently Asked Questions

OTRGive is an ongoing donation program from OTR to the community. Read through the FAQs below or contact us if you need further information.

OTRGive is a free community program where your purchases make a difference.

When you buy, we give! Simply choose a charity from OTRGive in the OTR App that resonates with you. When you order in the App, or buy fuel, or shop, by scanning your OTR App in-store it will automatically direct OTR to donate a portion of your purchase to your selected charity—at no cost to you.

OTR customers will just need to download the OTR App, choose a community group on the App, scan the barcode when purchasing in store or pre-order on OTR App and OTR will give a donation to their selected community group.

Customers will be able to track the donations of their chosen group through the OTR website and monitor regularly what projects the donations from OTRGive are directly supporting. This will be updated weekly on dashboard pages on the OTR website (with a link to this from the OTR App).

OTR Give is currently fixed to include only the existing partners.

Expressions of interest can be sent through to the Community Team via a “Contact us” link on the OTR website (otr.com.au/OTRGive).

OTR has donated over $415,000 to community groups since June 2018, with donations remaining uncapped – the more the OTRGive is used through making qualified purchases in our stores (or directly in-App orders), the more will be donated to community groups.

Yes. OTRGive is additional to all other current reward systems and points systems currently affiliated with OTR instore and on the App.

Fuel purchases made with a BP fleet card will not be eligible for OTRGive, however all other payment methods including gift vouchers will create an OTRGive donation, provided your OTR App barcode is scanned at the time of purchase and your account is linked to a community partner.

In order to know where you want us to apply the donations related to your purchases we need to be able to create an association between you and your chosen community group. The OTR App has been specifically developed to enable a customer to choose their community group, allocate their linked purchases, track donations and measure the success of the program and where the money goes.

At this stage we have invested heavily into creating this innovative, transparent way of giving to the community and it is the only way we can ensure customers’ choice of partner can be implemented. We will be considering other avenues as technology and innovation continues.

OTR adheres to current privacy laws. For more information please read our Privacy Policy.